Step 3-2-1
*Descriptive sentences
1. Gee states that like the video game Portal, it is important to be given a tool to navigate the environment you are in and “play” with it to make new discoveries.
2. Gee claims that commercial card games like Yu-Gi-Oh contains complex language that helps build young student’s literacy skills.
3.Gee states that virtual games provide opportunity for people to gain problem-solving experience.
* Analytical sentences
1. Gee focuses on how video games enhance individual’s passion for learning, however, he presumes that areas related to academic discipline is anything but fun.
2.Gee argues about Huizinga’s view of giving video games a “purpose”, which is to make games educational in order to serve meaning. Yet, the process of play itself helps individual to make new discoveries, just like Dewey’s perspective of learning by doing.
1. Gee states individuals find passion and new possibilities through the process of play. What is the role of school when it comes to developing students’ future skills through game play?